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Document Automation

The world's only rules-engine-based document automation platform

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Document Automation is the ability to generate documents without human intervention. This is usually done via an API (Application Programming Interface.) This allows for the ability to generate a large number of documents instantaneously. With ExactDocs, templates are uploaded onto the platform, and documents can be created through an automated workflow; this could include the integration with 3rd part systems, whether they be custom-built of vendor-owned products. The ExactDocs API eliminates the need for manual data entry, and thus reduces the time it takes to create documents while simultaneously maximizing the change of them being error-free.  


ExactDocs is the perfect companion to your Microsoft Productivity tools, and also integrates seamlessly with third-party systems such as the InRule Decisions Platform. By coupling ExactDocs with InRule and/or Microsoft Power Automate, you can generate documents based on complex rule sets and workflows.   


The Benefits of Document Automation:
  • Faster document generation – creating documents or document packs with ExactDocs is super easy and super quick! And you can rest assured that they will be perfectly compliant documents, ready to use

  • Reduce the risk of human errors – we are only human, and it is hard to achieve perfection every time. ExactDocs Document Automation reduces manual inputting of information, setting you up for success from the get-go!

  • Better experience for the user – no one wants to spend time and energy faffing around with a document, collating files from different locations and changing content. ExactDocs removes that headache and users have a seamless experience from start to finish

  • Easy collaboration – ExactDocs allows you to easily share or email document templates and generated documents, enabling easy collaboration across your team and with external stakeholders

  • Greater control and consistency – centralizing your document templates and storing everything in one place ensure your team are only using the most up-to-date and compliant versions

  • Integrated systems – with ExactDocs, there is no need to install any special plugins or software, and it can integrate seamlessly with your existing systems

  • Greater / easier access – with ExactDocs, users can access their documents templates on the go; any time, any where

Automate document generation

Start your Free 30 Day Trial Now!

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